Store client

Stores only support query and mutate procedures

The store client is a client which returns a svelte store which is reactive based on the request state.

Like browserClient, no calls are made to procedures on the server. However, unlike browserClient you can prefill the store with data using load functions, so your page will still SSR!

With minimal options, the store will have the booleans loading, success, as well ass error which will be false | Error and finally data as undefined or your response data.

There are 4 methods in the store client, 3 of which are store types.

There is call, $once, $many, $multiple, and as you've probably guessed the methods that return a store start with $.

  • call - works the exact same way the browserClient works, no need to import more than 1 client.
  • $once - can only be called once - used in situations where you don't need to update state
  • $many - can be called many times - when called it replaces the previous data.
  • $multiple - can be called many times, but responses are kept in an array.

Setting it up

In the browserClient.ts file we will create the store client.

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