
In the browserClient section we went over one example of a client. However, there are 4.

There 4 clients are browserClient, storeClient, loadClient, serverClient

  • browserClient
    Works the same way you would expect the trpc native client to work with 1 differece.
    The difference being, when the server renders (SSR) +page.svelte, no call is made to the procedure/endpoint and is immediately resolved with undefined.
    This is the default bevhaviour as when SSR occurs, on a native tRPC client the call is still made to the procedure on the server side, but the response is not rendered, and when loaded in the browser the call is made again.
    Therefore we have an extra wasted call and we could potentially have unwanted behaviour if we have CRUD operations in the procedure.
    This can be changed by setting the option browserOnly:false
  • storeClient
    The store client is the most adaptable client as it works as a svelte store for your data.
    The stores have properties such as loading, error, data which change based on the request state. The store can be prefilled with data from both the server side (for SSR) or the client.
  • loadClient
    This client is intended to be used in +page.ts or +server.ts load functions.
    This client is useful as you can set up origin and bypassOrigin on the TRPC class
    So when calls to procedures are made on the server the HTTP request is made to bypassOrigin
  • serverclient
    This client is intended for use directly on the server e.g. +server.ts, +page.server.ts or +layout.server.ts
    When requests are made on this client, the procedure function is invoked directly on the server and there is no HTTP request.